The Diploma in Islamic Sciences is an introductory program that covers one basic classical text in each of the core Islamic sciences. This program is based upon the traditional methodology of study used in the Islamic world for centuries, which is to study a basic, abridged text in every science before moving on to the second level texts in each science and so on until once has achieved mastery of the science. The texts taught in this program have been taught all over the Islamic world for centuries and continue to be taught today. Exceptional students will receive ijāzah to narrate the text with a connected chain back to the author each upon successful completion of an examination. This program will prepare any student who wishes to study the Islamic sciences abroad in the Muslim world. These courses will count towards the Seminary program as well for those who wish to continue once the Seminary program has begun..
The courses for the diploma are:
- Qur’an Memorization
- ʾĀdāb Ṭalab Al-ʿIlm/ Mannerism of the Seeker of Knowledge- “Ḥilyat Ṭālib Al-ʿIlm” by Bakr ʾAbū Zayd
- Fiqh/Jurisprudence (all schools offered)- “Matn ʾAbī Shujāʿ” by ʾAbū Shujāʿ Al-ʾAṣfahānī/ ”ʾAkhṣar Al-Mukhtaṣarāt” by ʾIbn Balbān Al-Dimashqī/ “Mukhtaṣar Al-Qudūrī ” by ʾAbū Al-Ḥusayn Al-Qudūrī/ “Risālat ʾIbn ʾAbī Zayd“ by ʾIbn ʾAbī Zayd Al-Qayrawānī
- ʾUṣūl Al-Fiqh/Legal Theory – “Al-Waraqāt” by ʾAbū Al-Maʿālī Al-Juwāynī
- Muṣṭalaḥ Al-Ḥadīth/Hadith Terminology- “Al-Bayqūniyyah” by ʿUmar/Ṭaha Al-Bayqūnī
- Ḥadīth/ Prophetic Traditions-“AlʾArbaʿīn Al-Nawawiyyah” by ʿAbū Zakariyyā Al-Nawawī
- Naḥw/Arabic Grammar- “Al-ʾĀjurūmiyyah” by ʾIbn ʾĀjurrūm Al-Ṣanhājī
- Ṣarf/Arabic Morphology- “Naẓm Al-Maqṣūd Fī Fan Al-Ṣarf” by ʾAḥmad ʾibn ʿAbd Al-Raḥīm
- Balāghah/Arabic Rhetoric- “Miʾat Al-Maʿānī Wa Al-Bayān” by Muḥib Al-Dīn ʾibn Al-Shiḥnah Al-Ḥalabī
- Al-ʿArūd/Poetic Meter Forms– “ʾAhdā Sabīl ʾIlā ʿIlmayy Al-Khalil” by Maḥmūd Muṣṭafā
- Al-ʾImlāʾ/Arabic Script– Qawāʿid Al-ʾImlāʾ by ʿAbd Al-Salām Harūn
- Al-ʾAdab/Literature- “Qaṣīdat Bānat Suʿād” by Kaʿb ʾIbn Zuhayr
- ʿAqīdah/ Theology- “Al-Ṭaḥāwiyyah” by ʾAbū Jaʿfar Al-Ṭaḥāwī
- ʿUlūm Al-Qur’ān/ Qur’an Sciences- “Dhat Al-ʾAfnān Fī ʿUlūm Al-Qurʾān” By Walīd ʾIbn ʾIdrīs Al-Menīsī
- Tafsīr/ Exegesis- “Tafsīr Al-Jalalayn” by Jalāl Al-Dīn Al-Suyūtī and by Jalāl Al-Dīn Al-Maḥallī
- Tajwīd/ Recitation- “Tuḥfat Al-ʾAṭfāl” Sulaymān Al-Jamzūrī
- Farāʾid/ Inheritance- “Al-Raḥabiyyah” with “Al-ʾUrjūzah al-Walīdiyyah Al-Mutammimah Li Al-Raḥabiyyah” by Walīd ʾIbn ʾIdrīs Al-Menīsī
- Sīrah/Prophetic Biography- “Al-Raḥīq Al-Makhtūm” by Ṣafī Al-Raḥmān Al-Mubārakafūrī
- Tarīkh/ History- “ʾItmām Al-Wafāʾ Fi Sīrat Al-Khulafāʾ” by Muḥammad Al-Khuḍarī
- Manṭiq/ Logic- “Al-Sullam Al-Munawraq” by ʿAbd Al-Raḥmān Al-ʾAkhḍarī
- Maqāsid/ Divine Objectives of Legislation- “ʾItḥāf Al-Qāsid Bī Naẓm Aḥkām Wa Qawāʿid Al-Maqāsid” by Muḥammad Saʿd Al-Yūbī
- Qawāʿid Fiqhiyyah/ Legal Maxims- “Manẓūmat Al-Qawāʿid Al-Fiqhiyyah” by ʿAbd Al-Raḥmān Al-Saʿdī